Helping your Student Succeed at Doane
成为Doane Tiger代表了您的学生成为领导者的重要一步. 过渡到大学生活是家庭生活中一个有意义的里程碑,开始了一个独立的时期, requiring an adjustment for parents, 学生, and the whole family. 在澳门威尼斯人网址,我们通过一个支持性的、安全的生活和学习环境来培养领导者.
加入我们的 Parent Mailing List
加入我们的 parent mailing list 并接收来自澳门威尼斯人网址的最新消息和信息. 时事通讯将提供有关校园发生的有用和相关的信息.
Five things’ parents and families need to know
If you don’t see an answer to your question, please reach out. 联系 Student Affairs team to ask a question. This isn't a place to get lost, it's a place to get found. 我们的教授和工作人员了解学生,以确保他们接受世界一流的文科教育. Professors are a great resource for 学生. 学生应该向老师寻求建议,从哪里可以获得额外的帮助和支持.
May I access my student’s records?
由于 FERPA, the federal law that protects 学生’ privacy, 该大学在与家长分享的信息方面是有限的. 学生可以通过在Doane's中授予代理访问权限来为其他人提供访问权限 self-service.
How can I pay my student’s bill?
Doane offers multiple payment options. View payment options.
How do I send a package to my student in the residence halls?
How can my student get to/from 克里特岛?
While the university does not endorse transportation services, these are the most popular options for 学生 to travel.
- 超级 & Lyft
- OmaLink
- Leisure Limousine & 轿车
Financial Information
Discover information on tuition, scholarships, payments and Parent PLUS and private loans, 帮助你在资助孩子的教育方面做出明智的决定.
Academic Success Center
探索我们的资源中心,旨在通过个性化帮助支持学生实现卓越, tutoring services, and a range of tools to enhance their learning experience.
Disability Services
Doane致力于为残疾学生提供重要的支持和住宿, ensuring an inclusive and empowering academic experience.
Health and 健康
Prioritize your child's well-being. We offer 学生 health services, 心理健康资源,并采取积极措施,以促进健康和蓬勃发展的学术经验.
Campus 安全
Gain insights into our comprehensive safety measures, emergency protocols, 和资源,以确保一个安全的环境,为您的孩子的学业之旅.
Diversity, Equity & 包容
Gain insight into initiatives, programs and resources that create an inclusive campus, 确保您的孩子的教育通过不同的观点和经验得到加强.
Dining Services
Discover the diverse and nutritious dining options, 餐计划, 和校园餐饮设施由我们的食品供应商:新鲜的想法.
Career, Leadership and Service
探索指导学生发展基本职业技能的资源, honing leadership abilities, and engaging in meaningful service opportunities, ensuring a well-rounded and successful academic journey.
Letter from the President
Dear Doane University 父母 and Families,
我很高兴衷心欢迎热心和支持我们的社会各界,并很高兴通过这个特别设计的网页与大家建立联系, designed with your needs in mind.
Our new webpage serves as a valuable resource for you, 提供必要的信息,以支持你在澳门威尼斯人网址的旅程. Explore key contacts, academic resources, upcoming events, financial details, health and wellness 支持, campus safety measures, the student handbook, and much more.
As you navigate the site, you will find a wealth of information, including links to Doane's social media, career services, and an option to sign up for our parent and family newsletter. Additionally, our FAQ section addresses common queries, ensuring you have quick access to the information you need.
我邀请你阅读来自在校生家长的衷心留言, 让你一窥在澳门威尼斯人网址等待着你家人的变革经历.
在澳门威尼斯人网址, we passionately embody the principles of building leaders, 认识到家庭在促进学生成功方面的重要作用. 在一起, 我们踏上了在家庭中培养成功领袖的旅程, 生活, 社区, and chosen professions.
在澳门威尼斯人网址 University WE BUILD LEADERS for success in life,
社区 and chosen professions through...
L = Learning: 培养注重沟通和探究的终身学习者.
E =权益: 重视公平,努力消除差距,促进无障碍.
A = Advocacy: 使个人能够积极地为自己和他人辩护.
D = Diversity: 通过交叉视角拥抱和支持各种形式的多样性.
E =伦理: 教导和提倡基于诚信的道德决策.
R = Resilience: Providing the tools to persevere through adversity.
S = Service: 通过持续的服务行为培养同理心和同情心.
Thank you for entrusting us with your student's education. 我们将共同努力,继续培养领导者,创造一个培育成功的环境.
Roger Hughes ’82, President
克里特岛 and 林肯, Nebraska
熟悉你的威尼斯人官网的社区是很重要的. 了解更多 about 克里特岛 and 林肯 by visiting links below.